Spring Happenings at NDA!

April and May are such exciting months as we get to celebrate spring by showing off our recital dances during Family Watch Week, getting class photos in our recital costumes, preparing for our big show and more!
Please mark your calendars for the following important dates!
Monday, April 1st
Recital Fees Auto-deducted
$50 per family. Families not participating in recital will not be charged.
April 1st – 6th
Family Watch Week! (Studios A, B & F)
*Recreational Classes Only
April 8th – 13th
Family Watch Week! (studios C, D & E)
*Recreational Classes Only
April 19th – 21st
Closed for Easter
April 22nd – 27th
Class Pictures
Looking Ahead
Spirit Month begins on April 29th!
Click here to see the list of weekly dress up themes!